October 24, 2021

What On Earth Are We Here For?

Passage: Matthew 28:18-20

Why does Redeemer Church exist? What is our vision and what do we hope to accomplish here in Black River and on the island of Mauritius? Jesus left us very specific instructions when he returned to the Father in heaven. He commanded us to make disciples and to teach people to obey his commands. It is our aim as Redeemer Church to make disciples one life at a time – to help people connect with God and to grow in their faith. It is our hope that many individuals, families, and communities will be changed as men, women and children become apprentices of Jesus one at a time. The beautiful thing is that there is no one size fits all discipleship. Every disciple is unique, and we don’t have to fit any mould in terms of personality, gifting, skill etc. The only thing that matters is whether we are followers of Jesus or not.

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