October 17, 2021

Room to Flourish

Passage: Genesis 26:19-31

To be in confinement is very challenging. It feels claustrophobic; there is no room for growth. But open spaces have the opposite effect. We feel inspired and uplifted by wide open spaces. Isaac experienced a season of confinement. Every time he dug a well, others would have a dispute with him and claim the water for themselves. But eventually, he dug a well where there was no dispute, and it was a symbol for Isaac that the Lord had given him room. God has given Redeemer Church room by giving us the opportunity to build and enabling us to do so. He has supplied everything we needed, and we are truly blessed. This facility is a symbol of the space that God has given us and is a sign of the people he wants to reach in this community and the work that he wants to do in people’s lives.

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