Easter Service – South

Join us as we celebrate Easter Sunday on the 31st of March. We will be having three services around the island at 9:30, with fellowship over coffee and tea after the service. We will also have our Kid’s Ministry classes during the service.

In the west, we will be at our Redeemer Church premises in Black River; in the north, we will be at Lighthouse School in Calabasses; and in the south, we will be at Judy Montessori School in Mare d’Albert.

Should you not be able to join us in person, our usual Online Church service will continue to take place on our YouTube channel. Our online service will consist of a live-streamed feed of the west service in real time.

Please keep an eye on our social media and our website events for further updates.

We look forward to celebrating Easter with you – either in person or online. Why not invite someone to join you at church?

The event is finished.


31 Mar 2024


09:30 - 10:30


Judy Montessori School
Morc. Omincane, Mare d'Albert


Hello! 🙂

Click on Redeemer Church below to chat with us directly on WhatsApp.
